About the Event: This event was presented on Wednesday, November 1, 2023 by AllCourse. It was an opportunity for participants to ask questions and learn about the latest EdTech trends, including the role of AI, glean insights into new initiatives at YouTube, Kaplan, and AllCourse, and acquire practical skills for transitioning between educational and EdTech roles from industry veterans Katie Kurtz (Managing Director, Global Head of Learning at YouTube), Andy Rosen (Chairman & CEO of Kaplan), and serial entrepreneur Jose Ferreira (Founder/CEO of AllCourse, Knewton and Bakpax).
During this event, Jose gave an exciting demo of AllCourse’s newest product: the textbook generator. This tool allows you to create custom textbooks on any topic you choose in just a few minutes. You’re welcome to try it out and make some textbooks for yourself. Just visit: https://home.allcourse.com/textbook
- Download Presentation
- Download Responses to Participant Questions
- We were excited to have received many questions from participants during the event and from the registration form. To ensure we were comprehensive in responding to the requests and inquiries, AllCourse has provided this resource providing insights and advice on transitioning from teaching to EdTech careers, the future of AI, and what’s next in EdTech.
About the Presenters: This panel was led by Jose Ferreira, CEO & Founder of AllCourse. AllCourse is a new education marketplace connecting schools with certified, online teachers. Jose is known for innovative cutting-edge products and companies often involving AI. Jose started as a product executive at Kaplan, where he led a team that created the modern Kaplan test prep course. In 2007, he founded Knewton (acquired by Wiley), launching today’s adaptive learning industry. Jose then created the auto-grading pioneer, Bakpax (acquired by Teachers Pay Teachers). Jose was joined by Andy Rosen, current CEO & Chairman of Kaplan, and Katie Kurtz, Managing Director, Global Head of Learning at Google/YouTube.
About AllCourse: AllCourse is growing its community of teachers who would like to teach online. If you’re looking for a side gig opportunity or have left the classroom but would still like to remain connected to teaching, you can make a free profile here! As a TFA corps member or alumni, please use the discount code AC23! when creating your profile to receive an additional 5% in revenue on your first course taught on AllCourse. Learn more about AllCourse and special discounts offered to TFA corps members and alumni here. If you are interested in learning more about AllCourse or engaging in opportunities at the company, please reach out to: rachel@allcourse.com
About the Career Acceleration Virtual Event Series: Hosted by the Teach For America Career Center and select partners and contributors, the Career Acceleration Virtual Events Series is offered to our entire network to engage in career accelerating topics to help inspire and support mindsets, knowledge and skills that advance one’s own career. The event series occurs every fall and spring (with our next series occurring 2/26- 3/26). We are always looking for a range of diverse speakers and topics to engage our alumni and corps member network. If you are interested in becoming a Career Acceleration virtual speaker or presenter, click here to learn more.