Exploring a Run

Only 2% of people in the U.S. will run for office in their lifetime, and it can be a lonely experience, especially for first-time candidates.

With Leadership for Educational Equity (LEE), you don’t have to explore a run alone.

Our elite and diverse network of leaders and experts are gathering on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 7 PM to 8 PM ET to speak to members who are considering a position in elected service. Exploring A Run is a 60-minute virtual workshop covering the challenges, lessons, and revelations of running for office.

Attendees will gain clarity on the next phase of their leadership journey and access tangible next steps to plan their next moves as they move forward with their elected leadership journey.

Please add this disclaimer (or something like it) if you feel it is needed given the particular focus of this event: Teach For America as a 501c3 organization does not support or oppose any candidate for political office, and its resources are not and cannot be, used to support or oppose any candidate for political office.

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