The Next Education Workforce: Redesigning the Teaching Job through Team-Based Models

The traditional “one-teacher, one-classroom” staffing model is not working for adults or children: teachers are isolated and burned out, while students’ unique needs are rarely met. The Next Education Workforce is an approach to strategic school staffing that reimagines what the job of teaching looks like and how classrooms operate. Schools form teams of educators with distributed expertise, supporting a shared roster of students. This session will provide information on what these models look like and how they are implemented in schools across the country. We will also share the emerging research base on how strategic school staffing models are improving both teacher and student outcomes.
Facilitators: Brent Madden and Mary Laski,
Arizona State University, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
This event is part of PowerHours Monthly Workshops, recurring monthly workshops that serve as a space to connect our network educators with relevant, high quality, timely workshop content from a variety of providers. Feel free to share with any teacher, school leader, or systems leader you know. PowerHours is open to Teach For America alum and non-alum. Learn about upcoming workshops here.
More Information
For more information, contact:
Jeffrey Veale Jr.
Managing Director, Alumni Program & Leadership Experiences
Teach For America